Now it is a fact that over 75% of the computer users over their lifetime. But only 10% of the users are aware of the most common shortcuts in MS Office and Windows applications. So considering these facts, I am putting together some of the most helpful shortcuts for Microsoft Office. Below I have categorized shortcuts for Microsoft Office Word in "most common" and "moderately-rarely known":
"Most common MS Office Word keyboard shortcuts"-
1. Ctrl + B - Makes selected letters bold
2. Ctrl + I - Makes selected letters italic
3. Ctrl + U - Makes selected letters underlined
4. Ctrl + C - Copies the selected text or object to the clipboard and makes it available for pasting (Ctrl + V)
5. Ctrl + V - Pastes the copied text or object (image / document etc)
6. Ctrl + Z - Undo last action
7. Ctrl + Y - Redo last action
8. Ctrl + P - Print command shortcut
9. F7 - Run a spelling and grammar check
10. Ctrl + Spacebar - Remove paragraph or character formatting
"Moderately- Rarely Known MS Office Word keyboard shortcut"
11. Ctrl + Del - Deletes the word next to the cursor
12. Ctrl + Backspace - Deletes the word before the cursor
13. Ctrl + [ - Decrease font size by 1 point
14. Ctrl + ] - Increase font size by 1 point
15. Shift + F7 - Use the Thesaurus
16. Ctrl + Space - Toggle AutoCorrect
17. Ctrl + Alt + V - Pastes special (format / values / formulas etc)
18. Ctrl + Shift + C - Copy formatting of the selected text only
19. Ctrl + Shift + V - Paste formatting only
20. Ctrl + Shift + G - Open the Word Count dialog box
21. Ctrl + L - Align selection or paragraph to the left of the screen
22. Ctrl + E - Align selection or paragraph to the center of the screen
23. Ctrl + 1 - Single-space all the lines in selection
24. Ctrl + 2 - Double-space all the lines in selection
25. Ctrl + 5 - 1.5 - space all the lines in selection
26. Ctrl + Shift + 8 - Toggle hidden characters that mark spaces, carriage returns, etc.
27. Shift + <- - Extend selection one character to the left
28. Shift + -> - Extend selection one character to the right
29. Shift + Ctrl + -> - Extend selection one word to the right
30. Shift + Ctrl + <- - Extend selection one word to the left
I hope you’ll find this list of Microsoft Word keyboards combinations/shortcuts and hotkeys useful in your day to day life. In case you believe I have missed any common shortcut, please leave a comment and we will add it to the list.
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