Most of us fighting hard to lose fat and weight are taking the wrong approach towards their goals. Wherever one has a flab, be it stomach, arms, thighs or any other place, its almost impossible to lose fat unless you demystify how your metabolism works.
Metabolism, in layman's terms, is the process behind breaking down the food, giving you all the energy that your body needs to maintain itself. Several of us try to increase our metabolism in order to speed up process of weight loss, but many of us do it wrongly. So if you are wondering "How To Increase Metabolism?", then first you should know what impacts metabolic rate.
Now there are some factors which you can not change like age, height or genes, but still there are lot of things in your control to speed up your metabolism:
1. The ph level of your body– Keeping our body’s pH near 7 (Alkaline and not acidic) is essential for your cellular metabolism to work at optimal level. Acidic state of body affects the state of your cells and your cells would stop functioning and die in highly acidic environment. So 1st step is to ensure that you have your body at alkaline levels. Now here is a link for you to find out stuff you can eat / drink to keep your body alkaline- "Increase body alkalinity to lose weight".
2. Day to day activities– If you do exercises / activities which builds muscles, your metabolism rate would increase automatically. So ensure having some weights or machine exercises along with cardio to speed up getting to the slim state.
3. The food which you eat– what you eat over a period of time determines the presence of nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that will affect your metabolism rate. Your digestion system determines how well your body absorb the foods and metabolize the energy as well. Here is a link for you to find out food to boost your metabolism- "Metabolism Boosting Foods and Lifestyle".
4. Emotional health – Your emotional state plays a big factor in your body metabilism rate. Basically if you are emotionally happy and satisfied, you will generally have good metabolism rate and thus if you cope up with your stress well, you will significantly boost metabolism.
5. Having more enzymes in your body can also improve your digestion as well as increase your metabolism rate. When any food is eaten, enzymes are released in saliva to help digestion. Enzymes play a very important role in breaking down the proteins, fats and carbohydrates into amino acids, fatty acids and glucose.
To cut things short, 3 things that you would want to do to increase your metabolism are
- eating metabolism boosting foods
- exercising and building muscles
- staying emotionally happy
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