Metabolism Boosting Foods & Lifestyle

I find it really annoying to compare myself with people who can eat whatever they want and their metabolism works faster to keep them slim. Not all of us are genetically blessed to have high metabolism, but we have natural ways to boost the metabolic rate of our body. And its a fact that there is no better way to speed up fat burning rate than to increase your metabolism and the good news is that there are a variety of foods at your disposal that may help to increase your metabolic rate. Below is the list of foods which comprises of metabolism boosting elements:

1. High fiber foods– plant based foods are difficult to digest and therefore our body has to use extra calories to burn them. Some of the good examples are apples and grapefruits which are low in calories and high in fiber. Others worth adding in your list are spinach, beans, broccoli, and other green leafy vegetables which are best eaten in raw form to get the complete health benefits.

2. Omega 3 fatty acids– fishes like salmon and tuna contain ingredients in form of omega3 fatty acids that can alter the levels of leptin, a hormone which helps in metabolism process. The higher the leptin level, the faster the metabolism will be. So have regular intake of tuna fish and fish oils in your food to automatically reduce weight.

3. Spices– certain spices, like jalapenos or chili pepper, contain capsaicin chemical which (in spicy meals) can increase metabolism by 25%, as it can generates heat and speeds up the heart rate.

4. Rich in calcium such as low fat milk, oatmeal and whole grain cereal– calcium, complex carbohydrates and fiber can lower the insulin levels after eating fats which prevents body against storing fat and burning fewer calories with same effort.

5. Caffeine and EGCG beverages– caffeine in coffee increases the heart rate and speeds up process of burning calories. While epigallocatechin gallate or EGCG in green tea can also speeds up the nervous system and are linked to quick metabolism rate.

The rule of the thumb in faster metabolism is the fast rate of heart beat.

***please take note to limit the caffeine intake into 1-2 glasses of coffee a day.

Aside from the abovr list of food to increase metabolism, do take into account a healthy lifestyle. So below are some tips to maintain a healthy lifestyle to keep metabolism high and body slim:
1. Never skip breakfast- Skipping breakfast to lose weight is the downfall of many dieters
2. Have low caloric food- Low caloric intake of foods can help to raise metabolism rate naturally.
3. Drink lots of water and avoid too much alcohol, and sugary foods.
4. Build muscles through daily exercise, since it increases metabolism naturally


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